Chairman of HymonBio Invited to Give Special Lecture at Fuqiao Middle School


Chairman of HymonBio Invited to Give Special Lecture at Fuqiao Middle School

On June 27th, Dr. Tammy Tan, Chairman of HymonBio, was invited to Fuqiao Middle School in Taicang City to give a special lecture on “From Me on the Road to a Strong Science and Technology Country”, igniting the students’ passion for competition.

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Dr. Tan shared her entrepreneurial experiences and valuable insights. She talked about how her team stood on the shoulders of giants and achieved excellent results, inspiring students to not fear setbacks and instead push head-on into the winds of fate. At the same time she also shared her insights on social welfare, hoping students can develop aspirations, love, and become successful adults. After the lecture, enthusiastic applause erupted from the audience, with students raising their hands to ask questions and interact.

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At the end of the event, Fuqiao Middle School Principal Zhang presented Dr. Tan with the “Most Beautiful Storyteller” certificate, with student representatives presenting their own DIY handicrafts.

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Post time: Jun-28-2024