University of Leeds’s Professor Shi Jian’s Academic Presentation


University of Leeds’s Professor Shi Jian’s Academic Presentation

An academic exchange conference at HymonBio was held in the company’s central conference hall. Shi Jian, a tenured professor and doctoral supervisor at the University of Leeds in the UK, was invited to visit and give a keynote lecture.

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During the lecture, Professor Shi gave a presentation on the activation and physiology of the mechanical gated ion channel Piezo1 in endothelial cells. Professor Shi utilized ultra-high resolution small conductance recording technology and applied small conductance high-resolution single channel recording technology to study the pharmacological regulatory functions and corresponding drug interference mechanisms of cation permeability TRP channels and Piezo1 channels in real-time in vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells. He revealed a novel “transition type” dialogue mechanism between membrane TRP channels and endoplasmic reticulum in vascular smooth muscle cells, systematically elucidating the novel mode of action between cell membrane TRP channels and surrounding membrane proteins or lipids.

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After the lecture, HymonBio’s R&D team raised many interesting questions about the content of the academic report and had a lively discussion with Professor Shi. This event not only broadened the research and development team’s research perspective and ideas, but also provided cutting-edge directions for subsequent scientific research.

Post time: Jan-11-2024